Watch YouTube’s JerryRigEverything install a heat pump

Rocky Mountain Power sponsored JerryRigEverything’s video to show you what’s cool – and hot – about heat pumps. Get installation details and learn how this technology very efficiently heats and cools your home.

See how a heat pump can improve your life

Heat pumps are known for their efficiency, but that’s not the only enhancement they offer. Review the cards below to learn more about heat pump advantages.   


Indoor air quality

An efficient heat pump runs continuously, constantly filtering out dust, pollen and other particulates to help make your home healthier.


Outdoor air quality

A heat pump doesn’t produce on-site emissions, which improves air quality in your community.


Find the heat pump that’s right for you

The type of heat pump you choose will be based on your existing system, home’s layout, and your current and future needs, Here’s a quick look at the available options. 


ID landscape

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